WCURL - USPORTS Championships: Day #2

On day two of the USPORTS Championships in Fredericton, New Brunswick, the Voyageurs unfortunately lost both matches.
Against the University of Alberta, the Voyageurs came out with a slower start, scoring their first point in the third end, meanwhile, Alberta already had five points. Laurentian was able to add two more points in the fifth end, and one in the seventh and eighth end but it was not enough to catch up. The Voyageurs lost the match 10-5.
In the second match of the day, the women were facing McMaster. Both teams were blanked in the first two ends, and then McMaster put up three points. Laurentian put up one point in the fourth end, followed by two points in the eighth end. At this point, the Voyageurs could not catch up to the Marauders, conceding the match with a score of 10-3.
The Voyageurs are back in action tomorrow, as they go against Dalhousie University at 7:30am, followed by the University of New Brunswick at 3:30pm.
-Madison Boileau